Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ooops been a while..

Hello there. It has been a month since I last wrote anything. Can't believe how fast time flies. The reason I haven't been particularly communicative is because not a lot has happened. I paid a brief visit to the U.K for an audition, which did not go according to plan and so was a massive waste of our joint money, which we don't have any of in the first place, but I did get to have some lovely time with Mr and Mrs T and lil Miss B in London.

Since my return all eyes have turned to my return to the U.K. Work has been generally unsuccessful here and Mr B struggles to make ends meet as his work just don't pay him. We are now 2 months behind on wages and so the move to the U.K is looking more and more necessary. It says something when a company can get away with not paying their workers and yet working them harder and harder, and not ONE of them has got up and left. The working climate here is scary. No one dares leave for fear that they will have nothing to go to. I have no personal problem with the bosses of Mr B's company, but it is a terrible way to run a business and I don't see them going hungry. The day before yesterday we had, in our fridge, 2 spring onions, courtesy of Ar&Es' home grown veg, mayonnaise and 3 sausages. That's it. We have had some really interesting meals all involving potatoes recently.

In other news yesterday, on my way to meet the Yank in town, I was stopped... here we go, I thought, get ready to explain that you only speak a bit of Bosnian so to slow down etc etc and the guy asked "Excuse me, do you speak English"... "well, yes, I am English".....long pause whilst bloke computes this and realises this is not what he expected to hear and suddenly begins to worry that he in fact, does not speak English. Made me smile. The only Brit in Bosnia gets stopped and asked if she speaks English.

No pictures today, but tomorrow we are off picking cherries on the family land so expect some soon.

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