Thursday, February 10, 2011

Back to school

I got back from the U.K after my frenetic visit involving behaving like all kinds of crazy for money, bookended by 2 trips to Manchester. The first involving a party at my old flat and the 2nd involving a visit from the wonderful littlest Bevell. I was totally spoilt by my friends and family, for no apparent reason, and had an amazing trip.

Since arriving back in Sarajevo I have finally got off my arse and enrolled in a new school. The lovely Yank started whilst I was in the U.K and I got my books out again on Monday of this week. We are now attending every Monday and Wednesday for a couple of hours per session, apart from this Monday coming, as our tutor is heading to Belgrade to see family and friends. Our new teacher's style is far superior to the last place we were enrolled and it has given me the bug to learn again, which I think was fading. We will see how it goes, but so far I can highly recommend The Young Linguists as a relaxed, reasonably priced, and effective school for learning languages in Sarajevo. 

In other news we are forever broke, so the social side of things has basically involved nights in and movies. Hopefully in a month or so our financial situation should be slightly better and we can start going out for day trips etc. There is so much that I still want to see here. I really want to go back to Tuzla to see where I "lived" back in 1997 for that short time. 

The snow is still on the ground here, but the sun makes it feel like spring. I am looking forward to the nicer weather. Although, with my new North Face boots I can cope with any weather.... thanks girls! 

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