Saturday, July 23, 2011

The day of two weddings.

Wedding number one
The first was a typical Bosnian wedding, with beeping of horns as the wedding party goes first to the groom's house and then travels in convoy to collect the bride, then to city hall, then to the mosque, finally followed by a huge convoy to the place where the merriment can officially commence. The merriment was on the outskirts of the city and involved the usual wedding Bosnian songs and dancing in circles and on tables. The heat was pretty unbearable though which made dancing, especially in stillettos, a "no thanks, maybe later". Instead I drank beer like water in a desperate attempt to cool off - maybe water would have been more advisable.

Wedding number two.
Around 9pm we left the first wedding, a friend and colleague of Mr B, and made our way to the second in the heart of the city, in a beautiful venue opposite the English embassy - Lovac. This one was for the "American in Sarajevo" (blog) who was marrying her Mr B. The couples both looked great, but the now Mr and Mrs B looked like they should sit atop a wedding cake - just gorgeous!

We sat with a bunch of Californians, or Californian Bosnians, and drank the remains of the bar - or so it felt, finally being the last to leave with the newly weds. Great day had by all.

The clouds have finally come to Sarajevo, just in time for the 17th annual Sarajevo Film Festival - typical. I hope to go and see a few screenings again this year before heading back to the U.K. 

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