Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Boracko lake revisited...

Boracko Jezero on my first visit Oct 2008

The weekend before last we decided to embark on a family outing to Boracko lake. This came to pass as some friends of ours had mentioned they were there and it sounded like a perfect way to spend a day in this ridiculous heat.

I have been to Boracko lake twice before. The first time I ever came to visit Mr B he took me to the lake for a few hours. At that time it was deserted, as it was October, and it soon became "our" lake. The second time was in the middle of summer last year when it was crowded with families, and groups of friends, all swimming and having BBQs, not at the same time - I believe this wouldn't work.

This time we took my in-laws with us. Ma B had not been on a lakeside excursion for 20 years. They used to go  most weekends before the war, but since have never had the time, or health to do so. Needless to say Ma B was very excited.

We spent a day playing cards in the dappled shade, swimming in the vast waters of Boracko, and eating watermelon. Bliss. The sun was powerful and so I could only manage 15 minutes at a time in the sun.

Rostilj by the lake
At one point, when me and Mr B were swimming in the lake, 10 or so ducklings suddenly appeared about our heads. They couldn't have been more than an arms stretch away, just swimming along at a level with our eyes. I wanted to reach out and grab one to bring home - so cute - but Ma Duck looked on a little distance away making sure that the vast reddy/pink coloured shapes in the water were friendly ones, so I chose to just watch instead.

The water was divine and the day went by far too quickly. We all came back exhausted and a little bit sunburnt, but well worth the trip.

Boracko Jezero July 2011

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