Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bijambare - another mini adventure...

Entrance to Bijambare National Park

On Sunday Mr B and I took a trip out to Bijambare National Park, about 40km outside of Sarajevo. It is a huge national park which has a network of caves in and around it.

The 3 main caves were the upper, middle, and lower caves, with the middle one seemingly going on for miles, but inaccessible on the day we went as there were no cave guides to take visitors safely through.

For the first time on a visit to a "tourist" spot in Bosnia, I felt like the place was well run, taken care of, clearly signposted.... you could even hire bikes in season!!
Jezero (lake) in Bijambare

There are several hikes and different paths you can take. We took the main path, with a few little diversions along the way. There was a beautiful green lake on our way to the caves, where people sat and had a chat and a picnic. The photo does not do the green justice.

We could go in to the upper cave which was relatively large, but not lit... so quite spooky. We could have done with a flash light, but had to make do with the mobile phone flash.

Outside the middle cave there were information boards about all aspects of the caves and what has been found in them. They have found tools dating back from 500,000 to 2 million years, as well as Cave bear bones, an older, larger, ancestor of the brown bear.

We had a great day, just taking in a bit of nature and it is yet another tick on my "want to see everything I can in Bosnia" list.

Just beautiful up there. Hot day and snow!!?!

Sunday evening comprised of a visit from Mr and Mrs A with baby H, who has now become officially cute!  (officially meaning he was no doubt always cute, but I find babies cute once they start to have a bit of personality) He is becoming a proper little man now. The in-laws came down for a bit of baby time too and baby H stole the lime light for the couple of hours they were here for.

I have been asked to run some classes again next week! Lovely news and always a pleasure, as well as a little bit of pocket money.

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