Seeing my female friends and family members wear the scarf and come into the mosque was amazing. The fear of Islam in the U.K is constantly pushed into our faces through papers like the Daily Mail, and yet there they all were sitting in a mosque watching their friend marry a muslim, in Bosnia, of all places.
So the deed was done and the party could begin.
It was such a relief to get the bulk of the formalities out of the way and just enjoy some dancing and food with everyone.
As I write this I can hear the horns of another wedding convoy beeping over the hill from here. Over the summer months it was every Saturday from dawn till dusk.
The UK lot had called their Sarajevo experience BBB... (Bosnian Big Brother) as they were all packed into an apartment. The ultimate winner of BBB was Mr Hassan. My sister made a great quip about this the day before she left..
"Well they weren't gonna NOT have a muslim win it were they?"
So that was the wedding, in short. There are a million other little memories, but as time has gone by it feels less relevant to talk about the past and I want to start updating this blog more frequently with adventures on a more regular basis. From here on in it will be a more random blog and less linear. I want to tell you about the weird and wonderful people here and the massive culture differences as well as great places to visit and places to avoid should you ever want to visit Sarajevo.
This blog is mostly for my family and friends so they can keep track of what I am doing all the way over here, but if anyone else should happen upon it then so be it.
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